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[단어학습] 초등영어 학습 사이트 워드 - Bronze Words

by littlekids

호주 시드니에서 어린아이들이 학교에 처음 입학하면 배우는 워드 리스트 시리즈입니다.

NSW Foundation Magic 600라는 이름으로 불리며, 각 컬러별로 단계별 워드 리스트가 구성되어 있습니다.

브라운 워드 리스트에 이어  스물한번째는 브론즈 워드 리스트입니다.

사이트 워드
Sight Word

Bronze Words
asked Australia begin leave Earth
few healthy gone eyes life
light different number picutre side
story sentence though world watch


Bronze Words 설명

  • asked : simple past tense and past participle of ask
  • Australia : country including the continent of Australia and the island of Tasmania
  • begin : to do the first part of an action, to start doing something
  • leave : to go away from (a place)
  • Earth :the planet on which we live
  • few : not many
  • healthy : having good health, not sick or injured, well
  • gone :past participle of go
  • eyes : part of the bows of a ship that are furthest forward at the level of the main deck
  • life : the ability to grow, change, etc., that separates plants and animals from things like water or rocks
  • light :the form of energy that makes it possible to see things; the brightness produced by the sun, by fire, by a lamp, etc.
  • different :not of the same kind, partly or totally unlike
  • number :a word or symbol (such as “five“ or “16“) that represents a specific amount or quantity
  • picture : a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone or something/li>
  • side : a place, space, or direction that is away from or beyond the center of something
  • story : a description of how something happened
  • sentence :a group of words that expresses a statement, question, command, or wish
  • though :used when you are saying something that is different from or contrasts with a previous statement
  • world : the earth and all the people and things on it
  • watch : to look at (someone or something) for an amount of time and pay attention to what is happening

Words List 공부방법

실제로 선생님들이 아이들에게 이 워드 리스트를 전달하면서 추천하는 공부 방법입니다. 

  • Look at the word
  • Say the word
  • Trace the word with your finger, say it as you trace it.
  • Copy the word out 4 times a week
  • Place your hand over the word after looking at it and see if you can say it and write it.
  • Take a picture of the word with your invisible camera and put it in your head.
  • Shut your eyes and see if you can write it

처음 아이들이 워드 공부를 시작할 때는 단어를 보고 읽을 수 있으면 1단계 학습은 되었다고 생각합니다.

그다음으로 쓰는 것과 단어의 의미를 익히는 것까지 하면, 다음 단계로 넘어가는 형식입니다.


호주에서 처음 영어를 시작하는 아이들에게 추천하는 단어 공부 방식입니다.

부모님과 아이들이 재미있게 학습하면서 영어 공부를 하면 좋을 것 같아요.
